Saturday, May 26, 2012

We Loved You

Another must have page: the belly shot.
I much as we might not like it at the time, you just must take a photo of your pregnant belly. I really didn't think I was big until I looked back at mine, well I knew I was big but not that big.

We Loved You
even before we met you

I must confess, in the original picture the shirt I'm wearing is a bright blue. However considering we didn't know Chloe was a Chloe and how much the blue stood out it just didn't work. But thanks to a program my photo-rific friend Toan gave me I was able to change it.

Hidden behind the flower there is a little journaling card which explains the photo was taken when I got the phone call to come to the hospital to be induced. I thought it was nice to make note of it, but did't want to take anything away from the massive belly.
Happy weekend to all.


  1. I remember that belly!!! Nic it should say met, not meet I think?

  2. What a beautiful tribute to Bub housed in a swollen belly - a great scrapbooking idea!!!

  3. Awesome work Nicole, looking forward to seeing how it progresses, love teegs x
