Sunday, March 30, 2014
Smiles of Chloe - Sassy & Sketch N Scrap
Friday, March 28, 2014
Pub Swagger - Glitz Design & The Scrapbook Store
* Please note I am still battling away posting from my phone while my computer is out of action. Please excuse poor picture and content quality. Thank you. *
So I thought it was about time I did a layout of just Jayce. It is no secret that my partner and I like to have the occasional beer. And we are very fortunate that the pubs near us have children friendly zones, some even play areas and petting zoos.
Anyway, the local had a huge Christmas festival that we wanted to take our kiddies to but by the time both kids were awake and happy we missed most of the action. But did manage to snap this photo of Jayce chilling out.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Dancing Spirit - 123 Challenge
* Please note I am still battling away posting from my phone while my computer is out of action. Please excuse poor picture and content quality. Thank you. *
Welcome to my slice of the Internet. I have with me a scrapbooking page to share. I am finally recording more of the everyday moments and things that my kiddies DO rather then the 1 in a million picture perfect shots.
Chloe loves to dance/jump/spin/generally run around like crazy! When I'm in the kitchen she often dances to the ABC, so one day a just sat there and held my camera button down while she did her thing.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Daily Drive - Scrap365 & Simple Stories
* Please note I am still battling away posting from my phone while my computer is out of action. Please excuse poor picture and content quality. Thank you. *
Hello. So I broke my word and printed a new photo to scrap but I'm sure when you see the photo you'll forgive me. It was printed direct from my phone so there had been no editing or anything. This is the picture exactly as it was taken and I think it's a good one.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Kiss Kiss Hug Hug - Kraft It Up
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
You 2 Warm My Heart.
*Please note I am still battling away posting from my phone while my computer is out of action. Please excuse poor picture and content quality. Will update them once I'm back online. Thanks.*
I'm back. How is everyone else going?
I have stuck to my word and created a page using older already printed photos during my technology lull.
First up is a layout with my two kiddies laying together on the couch.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
3 Months Old - ACC
Hey hi everyone!
So I have a little bit of good new with quite a lot of bad news but hoping for a good outcome...
So the bad news starts with me almost completely destroying my laptop! It is totally unusable for at least 2 weeks. More bad news, I hadn't backed up my photos for a LONG time! So whether I will have any baby photos of Chloe or Jayce is yet to be seen. Fingers crossed!! And hence in the mean time I can't print off any photos to scrap but hopefully that means I meant get around to scraping photos I've had printed for awhile.
Good news. I had finished a couple of layouts just before my technological meltdown and can share them through my phone. Picture quality and blog content may be a bit diminished but here goes:
3 months old