Monday, June 4, 2012


Hey guys.
Hope you all had a good weekend?
Mine was busy. Unfortunately no scrapping got done. But near fear, during the week I certainly made up for it.
After completely a few layouts recently in just one day I wondered if I could do it consecutively and set myself another challenge, 5 projects in 5 days. And to my surprise I came damn close! Completing 3 layouts, 1 card and beginning an off the page project. For coming so close I must thank Brendens work for sending him away all week, my car for breaking down and rendering me house bound and of course Chloe for continuing to be an amazingly good baby.
I'll share these projects with you later this week.
For now a little promotion for Imaginisce, a company which produces pretty much everything you might need to create great paper projects and who currently on facebook have 9815 'likes'.
They have pulled together some great sponsors and are giving away loads of prizes in anticipation of them reaching the big 10,000! So why not head over and give them a hand, hit like so that we can all win so great stuff! Maybe even let them know Nicole from craftsforchloe sent you =)
Bye for now, off to photograph my new stuff to share with you soon.
Lots of love.
Nicole. XoXoX.

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