Friday, May 9, 2014

My Intentions - MME

I'm finally back again. April just threw by! Busy, busy it was.
I bring to you today a scrap page that was a looooong time in the making! Please tell me I'm not the only one who prints the photo and gathers the supplies and writes out the journalling, maybe even draws a quick diagram of the to-be page and then files it away with the best INTENTION of creating it some future free time. FREE time, ha, yeah right!! And hence the layout never gets done. Are there others like me...?
This is one of THOSE pages!

My Intentions 2014

This page began way back in January. When much of the scrappy world were creating the 'one-word' (still not even sure what that means) and new years resolutions pages. My Minds Eye had a 14 things for 2014 challenge and I intended (there's that word again) on playing along. So I printed the photo, wrote out my list and gathered the supplies. And. Yep. Filed it away for another day...
Fast forward to now and the month of May and MME have done it again. This months challenge is to 'use enamel dots in a creative way' which immediately reminded me of dot points and that list I had written many months ago.

The original list was a bit longer (14 things to be exact) and was a mix of a new years resolution/ideas/to-do list. I decided to narrow it down into what I would really like to improve on and knowing that no one is perfect I decided they were my intentions, not an exact goal that could be ticked off.

They are:
  • Eat better - I'm a grazer. I tend to slowly pick at what ever is readily available over the day then sit down to a defined meal. Not something I want my kids to learn.
  • Stay off my mobile phone - I think we are all guilty of quickly having a flick through social media in a spare minute but when 30 mins later your still staring at the screen, its not cool.
  • Make memories - do stuff, try things, love it, hate it, find out. 
  • No wasting - in all areas. Time is a big one! I'm a procrastinator at the gold medal level. Also food, plan meals ahead of time to use what we have.
  • Be outdoors - we have a great back yard now and I don't think we use it enough. With Jayce still being young sometimes its just easier to set up fort inside. No more. Fresh air, cool breeze, dirt. Get out there!
  • Scrap more - so I can remember more of this year and the kids at this age.

I want to do these things each day, every day, TODAY! And I used the word 'today' as much as possible in this layout and outlined/drew over it whenever it appeared to really emphasis it. Like I said, I'm a procrastinator from way back, so if I'm going to do it, do it TODAY. NOW!

Anyway. There they are. My intentions for 2014. Hopeful I can stick to them with only a few lapses hey I'm only human. 
I have to say a huge thank you to MME for the two times inspiration to get this page day!! THANK YOU! This page would not have happened without them and these goals would be long forgotten by now (heck I would of forgotten about them the moment the new years hangover kicked in)
And I suppose I can't sign off without the revelation that this is my first page EVER to not feature any of my kiddies. Shock. Horror. *falls of chair* Bye.


  1. So darn creative! Thanks so much for playing along!
    ~stephanie from mme

  2. Love the page Nic. I must say I was shocked not to see the lovely munchkins in the page, but you're pretty special too! Love the wood grain background and the photo of you too. Great job. XXXX

  3. Now know why the kiddies are so cute, take after their mother.
