Anyway. On to the page that made the house work wait for this mid-month session.
it's a hard life
Another case of FINALLY scrapping some photos that have been floating around my scrap space for a long time. In fact almost exactly one year. These are a few snaps of Jayce at 6 days old just chilling.
The page design came from sketch #270 from Creative Scrappers. Once I saw the sketch I knew the perfect photos for it and didn't use much (or any) imagination, how you see it is how I used it.
Each square is a different colour and pattern with one matching embellishment while every piece of paper is backed with black cardstock. I did an absolute terrible job when cutting my so called "squares" so please don't look too closely.
As always I am extremely disappointed by the appearance of my own hand writing, it never looks the way I imagine it.
Hard to believe these photos are JUST over one year ago. Crazy.
XoXoX Nicole
Gosh Nic I can't even remember him that small! Love the bright colours and the layout. Your square cutting looks fine to me. Jayce gets cuter as he gets older! XXXX